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In Living Zealously, Joel R. Beeke and James A. La Belle address the much overlooked topic of Christian zeal. Having mined the depths of Puritan wisdom on what it means to live earnestly for Christ, they explain it in a way that is familiar to our modern ears and applicable to our souls. Beeke and La Belle do us a valuable service by helping us see the importance of Christian zeal and encouraging...

should be suited to the need at hand and dressed for the occasion. Evans explained, “Zeal should bear a proportion to the ‘value and importance of things.’ Indeed, the least truth, of which we are convinced, must not be given up; nor should we act contrary to known duty in the least instance, upon any worldly consideration. But all truths or duties are not of equal moment or concern either to ourselves or others, to the honor of God or the interest of religion.”4 If that is the case, Evans said,
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